We provide the best service at affordable prices, ensuring you receive benefits that will leave you satisfied.
Rental Air Compressor
Used Air Compressor
Service Air Compressor
Sparepart Air Compressor
New Units Air Compressor
Diesel Generator
Our Services
We provide the best service at affordable prices, ensuring you receive benefits that will leave you satisfied.
Rental Air Compressor
Used Air Compressor
Service Air Compressor
Sparepart Air Compressor
New Units Air Compressor
Diesel Generator
About Us
PT Global Airtech Indonesia
PT. Global Airtech Indonesia, established on 26 November 2019 , in Bandung, Indonesia, specializes in General Trading and Power Generator Specialities.
Our commitment to customer satisfaction is reflected in our motto, “Precicion In Solution.” which mean we are not just about selling product but we are problem solver to every situation and condition, to support this commitment, we operate through three collaborative divisions: Unit Division, After Sales & Service Division, and Rental Division to maximize service.
Also we provide a range of products including power generator, engine, air compressors, air dryers, various compressed air equipment ang power generator tailored to specific needs. We maintain a ready stock of new units and offer a fleet of 100 rental units to meet diverse requirements
About Us
PT Global Airtech Indonesia
PT. Global Airtech Indonesia, established on June 9, 2008, in Bandung, Indonesia, specializes in Air Compressor rental and General Trading.
Our commitment to customer satisfaction is reflected in our motto, “We are not only focused on customer satisfaction but also customer delight.” To support this commitment, we operate through three collaborative divisions: Unit Division, After Sales & Service Division, and Rental Division to maximize service.
Also we provide a range of products including air compressors, air dryers, and various compressed air equipment tailored to specific needs. We maintain a ready stock of new units and offer a fleet of 100 rental units to meet diverse requirements.
Di tengah kesibukan operasional industri, genset menjadi tulang punggung yang tak tergantikan, memastikan aliran listrik tetap stabil meski sumber utama terganggu. Namun, apa yang membuat
Bayangkan situasi listrik padam mendadak di tengah jam operasional sibuk, dan Anda mengandalkan genset untuk menjaga bisnis tetap berjalan. Tapi apa yang terjadi jika genset
Genset merupakan salah satu solusi perusahaan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan listrik, terutama saat terjadi pemadaman. Namun, mengetahui seberapa besar konsumsi bahan bakar genset adalah hal yang