Compressed Air Management System

Superior control solution with great energy saving potential Compressed air systems typically comprise of multiple compressors delivering air to a common distribution system. The combined capacity of those machines is generally greater than the maximum site demand.

Nitrogen Generators

The cost-effective, reliable and safe solution for medium to large nitrogen requirements. CompAir offers an ideal solution with a comprehensive range of cost effective nitrogen generator systems from compressed air, that enable users to produce their total demand for nitrogen gas on their premises and under their control. Compared to traditional methods of supply, on-site nitrogen generator is exceptionally cost-efficient with a short payback time on investment – in many cases less than twelve months.

Condensate Treatment

A wide range of condensate treatment technologies Correctly discharging and disposing of the condensate which occurs in a compressed air network is a critical part of keeping the network functioning properly and at the the correct network pressure. This all too often overlooked part of the process is essential to keep the network running at peak efficiency, this section explains the role of the condensate drain in the compressed air network.

Refrigerant Compressed Air Dryer

The EN Series screw air compressors from ELGi are reliable and demand low maintenance. They have a small footprint, making them suitable for industrial applications where size, efficiency, and cost matter.

Desiccant Air Drying Technologies

Desiccant dryers work on the principle of moisture always migrating to the driest medium possible. Therefore, water vapour is removed from compressed air by passing it over an adsorbent desiccant material. In the above shown CompAir air treatment product family image, the desiccant dryer is shown in the centre by the twin towers & these types of air dryers can cater for larger airflow volumes. The full range of desiccant dryers is shown below. As the air contacts the adsorbent material, water vapour transfers from the wet air to the dry desiccant, however, adsorbent materials have a fixed adsorption capacity and once this capacity is reached, they must be regenerated or replaced.

Compressed Air Filtration

A filter range to rely on The reliability of compressed air filtration is paramount to the ongoing fight against problems caused through contamination entering the air system. The CompAir filter range has been constantly innovated and has become a leading technology, providing the exact balance between air quality, energy efficiency and low lifetime costs.

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